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Hatha Yoga with Nico

Plank Pose

Today's video is another yoga pose tutorial and today we are doing PLANK POSE also known as KUMBHAKASANA or UHITTA CHATURANGA DANDASANA. Plank pose is a foundational pose of yoga. It is used in Sun Salutations for instance and also used as a transition pose in yoga. It is important to do Plank Pose properly because you can make yourself susceptible to injury if you're using improper form. Plank Pose is great for strengthening your core, arms, wrists and more. It also encourages alignment in your body which could help with your posture, as well as building mental endurance and focus.

Plank can be difficult if you don't have much strength in certain areas, so using the modifications provided are important. I also give a couple tips on moving from Plank to Chaturanga in Sun Salutations. I often see people sinking down with the hips first rather than maintaining their alignment as they lower. Be sure to practice Chaturanga a few times and see if you are using the proper form. If you keep practicing, over time, your body will get stronger and more used to Plank Pose. I hope you enjoy this video.




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